Kwele: Ancestral Bush Sprite Mask or Beete Gorilla or Gon Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Kete: Kangandu Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Mambila: Fetish Figure -
Tchokwe: Female Ancestral Caryatid Stool -
Tchokwe: Female Ancestral Caryatid Stool -
Tchokwe: Female Ancestral Caryatid Stool -
Tchokwe: Female Ancestral Caryatid Stool -
Hemba Monkey Hip Mask -
Pende: Mbangu Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Yombe: Ndunga Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Tchokwe Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Teke: Seated Fetish Figure -
Songye: Standing Female Fetish Figure -
Songye: Standing Female Fetish Figure -
Punu/Vuvi Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Luba: Ancestral Kibango Title Chieftain Staff -
Luba: Ancestral Kibango Title Chieftain Staff -
Luba: Ancestral Kibango Title Chieftain Staff -
Lega: Lukwakongo Passport Mask -
Kwele: Forest Bush Spirit Lapicque Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Lega: Lutumbo Lwa yananio Initiation Mask -
Fang: Funerary Reliquary Guardian Head -
Fang: Funerary Reliquary Guardian Head -
Ife Effigy Head of a Queen -
Ife Effigy Head of a Queen -
Ife Effigy Head of a Queen -
Ife Effigy Head of a Queen -
Ife Effigy Head of a Queen -
Ife Effigy Head of a Queen -
Ife Dignitary Sculpted Bust -
Benin Royal Altar Commemorative Head 1531 AD Brass, bronze, iron -
Benin Royal Altar Commemorative Head 1531 AD Brass, bronze, iron -
Igbo-Ukwu Bronze Statuette -
Igbo-Ukwu Bronze Statuette -
Igbo-Ukwu Bronze Statuette -
Modakeke-Ife Leopard -
Modakeke-Ife Leopard -
Ife Commemorative Bronze Head of Dignitary -
Ife Commemorative Bronze Head of Dignitary -
Benin: Commemorative Bronze Head of Queen Idia -
Benin: Commemorative Bronze Head of Queen Idia -
Igbo-Ukwu Bronze Maskette -
Bembe: Milindi ya Batee Sorcerer’s Statue -
Bembe: Milindi ya Batee Socerer’s Statue -
Gurunsi Standing Female Figure -
Gurunsi Standing Female Figure -
MaHongwe: Bwiti Janus Reliquary Guardian Figure -
MaHongwe: Bwiti Janus Reliquary Guardian Figure -
Kongo: Nkisi Nkondi Mother and Child Figure -
Kongo: Nkisi Nkondi Mother and Child Figure -
Teke-Tsaayi Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Hemba Caryatid Stool -
Hemba Caryatid Stool -
Punu: Black Ikwara Ceremonial Dance Mask with Single Bundle Coiffure -
Punu: Black Ikwara Ceremonial Dance Mask with Single Bundle Coiffure -
Kwele: Bata or Ram Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Yoruba: Gelede Helmet Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Fang: Nlo-Byéri Reliquary Guardian Head -
Fang: Nlo-Byéri Reliquary Guardian Head -
Punu: Mukuyi Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Kuba/Bushoong: Helmet Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Kuba/Bushoong: Helmet Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Kete: Kamboko/Nyita Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Lomotwa Ancestral Stool -
Lomotwa Ancestral Stool -
Hemba Ancestral Male Figure -
Hemba Ancestral Male Figure -
Mumuye: Iagalagana Ancestor Figure -
Lega Ancestral Statue -
Lega Ancestral Statue -
Bamileke: Batcham Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Bamileke: Batcham Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Bamileke: Batcham Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Pende: Mbangu Dancer Figure -
Pende: Mbangu Dancer Figure -
Junkun Ancestral Statue -
Junkun Ancestral Statue -
Senufo: Deble Ritual Rhythm Pounder -
Senufo: Deble Ritual Rhythm Pounder -
Punu: Black Ikwara Ceremonial Dance Mask with Double Bundle Coiffure -
Sakalava/Vezo Razana Funerary Tomb Sculpture -
Binji Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Yombe Nkisi-Nkondi Fetish Figure -
Yombe Nkisi-Nkondi Fetish Figure -
Yombe: Kikongo Bashi, Janus Ceremonial Dance mask -
Yombe: Kikongo Bashi, Janus Ceremonial Dance mask -
Sango: Mbumbu Reliquary Basket Figure -
Sango: Mbumbu Reliquary Basket Figure -
Dogon/N’Duleri Equestrian Statue -
Dogon/N’Duleri Equestrian Statue -
Kota: Ndassa-Wumbu Reliquary Figure -
Kota: Ndassa-Wumbu Reliquary Figure -
Kwele: Forest Bush Spirit Lapicque Ceremonial Dance Mask -
Ituri Ceremonial Dance Mask with Raffia -
Bambara/Bamana: Ntomo Dance Mask